Perfect finish for the men's cross country team

Perfect finish for the men's cross country team

In the men's race, the squad posted a perfect score of 15 points led bu senior Steve Slonosky, who came in first place with a time of 28:36 on the 8K course. ESF claimed the top seven spots in the men's race:

1. Stephen Slonosky (28:36)
2. Peter LeDuc (28:48)
3. Michael Persson (29:01)
4. Reed Scott (29:05)
5. Christian Freeman (29:19)
6. Ryan Shaw (29:21)
7. Dana Carris (29:32)

The cross-country team will now focus its attention on the U.S. Collegiate Athletic Association (USCAA) national championships in Lakeland, Florida, Nov. 6.