Men's XC Place Fifth at USCAA Nationals

Men's XC Place Fifth at USCAA Nationals

The men's team placed fifth overall in the championship race. SUNY Delhi was the overall team winner. Senior Michael Persson finished his ESF career with a 14th-place finish (26:48), earning him Second Team All-American honors. Junior Dana Carris finished 20th overall (27:19). Junior Ryan Shaw came in 33rd (28:09) while sophomore Ethan Appelgren placed 37th (28:09). Isaiah Dodson of Berea College was the individual winner of the 8K race that featured 171 runners and 30 teams.

"I want to congratulate each runner for all their dedication and hard work this season. I am very proud of the results this year. Our team earned it and deserves it," said Head Coach John View.